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portable saunas

Portable Saunas: Blanket, Steam, Or Tent?

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Portable Saunas vs. Steam Saunas: Which is Better?

When it comes to relaxation, wellness, and rejuvenation, few experiences rival the benefits of a sauna session.

But with the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding time to visit a spa or gym for a sauna session can be a challenge. That’s where a portable sauna comes in, offering the luxury and convenience of a sauna experience in the comfort of your own home.

portable saunas

Steam Vs Infrared Portable Saunas

A Portable sauna comes in two primary types: steam saunas and infrared saunas. Each type offers unique benefits and features, catering to different preferences and needs.

  1. Heating Mechanism:

    • Steam Saunas: Steam saunas, also known as traditional saunas or wet saunas, produce heat by heating a stove or rocks, which then generate steam when water is poured on them. This creates a high-humidity environment with temperatures typically ranging from 150°F to 195°F (65°C to 90°C).

    • Infrared Saunas: Infrared saunas use infrared heating elements or panels to directly heat your body. These saunas emit infrared rays that penetrate your skin and raise your body temperature. Unlike steam saunas, they operate at lower temperatures, typically between 110°F to 150°F (43°C to 65°C), but still provide effective heat therapy.

  2. Humidity:

    • Steam Saunas: Steam saunas are characterized by high humidity levels due to the steam they generate. The moist heat can be beneficial for people who enjoy sweating profusely and find it helps with respiratory issues or detoxification.

    • Infrared Saunas: Infrared saunas offer a drier heat, as they do not produce steam. This lower humidity is more comfortable for some users and allows you to sweat without feeling as suffocated by moisture.

  3. Sensation and Comfort:

    • Steam Saunas: The sensation in a steam sauna is often described as intense and enveloping due to the high heat and humidity. Some people find this experience invigorating and purifying, while others may find it too intense or uncomfortable.

    • Infrared Saunas: Infrared saunas provide a more gentle and relaxing heat. Many users find the experience akin to basking in natural sunlight, which can be soothing and less overwhelming than the intense humidity of steam saunas.

  4. Therapeutic Benefits:

    • Steam Saunas: Steam saunas are believed to help with detoxification, improved circulation, and relaxation. The high humidity can be beneficial for respiratory conditions like congestion.

    • Infrared Saunas: Infrared saunas are often chosen for their therapeutic benefits, including pain relief, muscle relaxation, and enhanced metabolism. They are also considered a more convenient option for frequent use, as they require less time to heat up.

  5. Installation and Maintenance:

    • Steam Saunas: Traditional steam saunas typically require more installation effort, including plumbing for water supply and regular maintenance to prevent mold or mildew.

    • Infrared Saunas: Portable infrared saunas are easier to set up and maintain. They don’t require plumbing or extensive cleaning, making them a convenient choice for home use.

  6. Energy Efficiency:

    • Steam Saunas: Steam saunas tend to consume more energy to maintain high temperatures and humidity levels.

    • Infrared Saunas: Infrared saunas are generally more energy-efficient because they heat your body directly and don’t need to maintain high humidity levels.

To sum it up, both types of saunas are very beneficial, the choice between a portable steam sauna and an infrared sauna largely depends on your personal preferences and specific wellness goals.

Steam saunas offer a traditional, intense heat experience with high humidity, while infrared saunas provide a more gentle, therapeutic heat that many find more comfortable and convenient for regular use.

Consider your desired sauna experience, available space, and maintenance preferences when deciding which portable sauna type is right for you.

What are the health benefits of a portable sauna?

health benefits of saunas

  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction:

    • Promotes relaxation and reduces stress by increasing endorphin production.

    • Helps relax tense muscles.

  • Detoxification:

    • Assists the body in expelling toxins and impurities through sweating.

  • Improved Circulation:

    • Causes blood vessels to dilate, potentially lowering blood pressure.

    • Promotes better cardiovascular health.

  • Muscle Recovery:

  • Pain Relief:

    • Alleviates joint pain and stiffness, which is beneficial for conditions like arthritis.

  • Weight Management:

    • Increases calorie burn, complementing a healthy diet and exercise routine.

  • Skin Health:

    • Improves skin health by unclogging pores and removing dead skin cells.

  • Respiratory Benefits:

    • Clears nasal passages and alleviates congestion, which is helpful for respiratory conditions.

  • Improved Sleep:

    • Promotes better sleep by relaxing the body and mind.

  • Mood Enhancement:

    • Increases feelings of relaxation and well-being, contributing to mental health benefits

The 5 Best Portable Saunas Of 2023 To Prioritize Your Health From Anywhere

Difference Between A Sauna Blanket and A Sauna Tent

Infrared Sauna Blanket:

  • Design and Enclosure: Resembles a flat and flexible blanket or sleeping bag.

  • Coverage and Positioning: Fully covers the body from neck to toes, allowing for lying down.

  • Portability: More compact and easier to transport and store.

  • Heat Distribution: Evenly distributed heat across the body, with direct contact.

  • User Experience: Offers cocoon-like comfort for relaxation.

Infrared Sauna Tent:

  • Design and Enclosure: Small, portable enclosure or “tent” for sitting or standing inside.

  • Coverage and Positioning: You sit or stand inside the tent, with the head usually outside.

  • Portability: Still portable, but may require more setup and space.

  • Heat Distribution: Heat is distributed throughout the enclosed space.

  • User Experience: Offers flexibility for various activities but may not provide the same cocooning comfort as a blanket.

Top 3 Picks For Infrared Sauna Blankets

  1. Life Pro Sauna Blanket For Detoxification

  2. HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket

  3. Life Pro Far Infrared Sauna Blanket

How long do portable saunas last?

The lifespan of a portable sauna can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the sauna, how frequently it is used, and how well it is maintained. On average, a well-made and properly cared for portable sauna can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more.

Here are some factors that can influence the longevity of a portable sauna

Build Quality: The materials and construction of the sauna play a significant role in its lifespan. High-quality saunas made from durable materials are likely to last longer than cheaper, less durable options.

Frequency of Use: If a portable sauna is used frequently, it may wear out more quickly. Some saunas are designed for occasional use, while others are built to withstand more frequent sessions.

Maintenance: Proper maintenance can extend the life of a portable sauna. Regular cleaning, checking for wear and tear, and following the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions can help keep the sauna in good condition.

Storage: Storing the sauna properly when not in use can also affect its longevity. Protecting it from extreme temperatures, humidity, and physical damage can prevent premature deterioration.

Brand and Model: The reputation of the brand and the specific model can be a good indicator of the sauna’s potential lifespan. Reputable manufacturers often produce more durable products.

Warranty: Some portable saunas come with warranties that cover defects or malfunctions for a certain period. Checking the warranty terms can give you an idea of the manufacturer’s confidence in the product’s durability.

Usage Patterns: The way the sauna is used can impact its lifespan. Excessive heat, prolonged sessions, or exceeding the sauna’s recommended operating conditions may lead to premature wear and tear.

Various Types of portable saunas

There are several different types of portable saunas available on the market, each designed to provide the benefits of sauna therapy in a portable and compact form. Here are some of the common types of portable saunas:

Infrared Sauna Blankets: Infrared sauna blankets are flexible, blanket-like devices that emit infrared heat to envelop the body. Users typically lie down or wrap themselves in the blanket to experience the therapeutic effects of infrared heat.

Infrared Sauna Tents: Infrared sauna tents are small, portable enclosures, or tents, that you sit or stand inside. They are designed to distribute infrared light and heat throughout the enclosed space, offering a sauna experience while allowing for more freedom of movement compared to blankets.

Portable Far Infrared Saunas: These are compact structures that resemble a small sauna cabin or tent. They often have a foldable frame and can be set up quickly. Users sit inside, and infrared heaters provide the heat for the sauna experience.

Steam Sauna Tents: Steam sauna tents use steam generators to produce moist heat, creating a steamy sauna environment. They are typically designed to be set up quickly and easily and are often used for relaxation and detoxification.

Portable Wood-Fired Saunas: These are small saunas that use a wood-burning stove for heat. They are designed for outdoor use and can be transported to various locations. Users can enjoy a traditional wood-fired sauna experience.

Portable Electric Saunas: Electric portable saunas are compact units that use electric heaters to generate heat. They often come with a chair inside, and users sit comfortably while experiencing the sauna’s warmth.

Infrared Heating Pads: While not traditional saunas, infrared heating pads can be considered portable heat therapy devices. They are typically used for targeted heat therapy on specific body areas, such as the back or neck.

Pop-Up Sauna Tents: These are collapsible saunas that can be set up quickly and easily. They usually come with a frame and fabric walls and are designed for a single user to sit inside and enjoy the sauna experience.


Maintaining your portable sauna properly is essential to ensure its longevity and safe operation. Here are some tips for maintaining your portable sauna:

Read the Manual: Start by thoroughly reading the manufacturer’s instruction manual that came with your portable sauna. The manual will provide specific maintenance guidelines and safety precautions tailored to your sauna model.

Clean Regularly: Clean the interior of the sauna regularly to remove sweat, oils, and any residue that may accumulate. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the sauna’s surfaces.

Check for Wear and Tear: Periodically inspect the heating elements, wiring, and seams for any signs of wear, damage, or loose connections. If you notice any issues, contact the manufacturer or a qualified technician for repairs.

Ventilation and Air Circulation: Ensure that the sauna’s ventilation system is functioning correctly. Proper ventilation is crucial to prevent excess moisture buildup and maintain a comfortable environment inside the sauna.

Sauna Cover: If your portable sauna comes with a cover or carrying case, use it when the sauna is not in use. This can help protect the sauna from dust, dirt, and potential damage.

Storage: Store your portable sauna in a dry, cool place when it’s not in use. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, or humidity, as these conditions can affect the sauna’s materials and components.

Electrical Safety: If your sauna has an electrical component, such as a control panel or power cord, inspect it periodically for any damage or fraying. Ensure that the power source and outlet are in good condition and meet safety standards.

Hygiene: To maintain cleanliness and hygiene, consider using a towel or sauna blanket to sit on while using the sauna. This can help prevent sweat and oils from coming into direct contact with the sauna’s interior.

Use the Sauna Safely: Follow the manufacturer’s recommended usage guidelines, including temperature and session duration. Avoid overloading the sauna with too many users or using it for extended periods beyond the recommended time.

Replace Parts as Needed: If any components of the sauna become damaged or worn out, such as heating elements or zippers, replace them promptly to ensure the sauna’s continued functionality and safety.

Keep it Dry: After each use, make sure the interior of the sauna is dry. Leaving moisture inside the sauna can lead to mold or mildew growth.

Professional Maintenance: Consider having your portable sauna professionally serviced and inspected periodically, especially if you use it frequently.

By following these maintenance tips and practicing good care and hygiene, you can extend the life of your portable sauna and continue to enjoy its benefits safely and comfortably.

Who should avoid using a sauna?

who should not use a sauna

Saunas can provide various health benefits for many people, but there are certain individuals who should exercise caution or avoid using saunas altogether.

Pregnant Women: Pregnant women should be cautious when using saunas, especially during the first trimester. High heat can potentially harm the developing fetus. It’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider before using a sauna during pregnancy.

Individuals with Cardiovascular Conditions: People with heart conditions, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, or arrhythmias, should avoid saunas or use them only under the guidance of a healthcare provider. The heat and humidity can put added stress on the cardiovascular system.

Heat-Sensitive Conditions: Individuals with heat-sensitive conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS) may experience worsened symptoms when exposed to high temperatures. It’s best to consult a healthcare provider before using a sauna.

Dehydrated Individuals: Sauna sessions can lead to dehydration due to excessive sweating. People who are already dehydrated, such as those recovering from illness or experiencing severe diarrhea, should avoid saunas until properly hydrated.

Children: Young children may have difficulty regulating their body temperature, so it’s generally not recommended for them to use saunas. Sauna use for children should only occur under adult supervision and for very short durations at low temperatures.

Elderly Individuals: Older adults may be more susceptible to heat-related issues, so they should use saunas with caution. They should avoid prolonged sessions and extreme heat.

People Taking Medications: Certain medications can affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature. If you are taking medications or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare provider before using a sauna to ensure it is safe.

Individuals with Skin Conditions: People with skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis may find that sauna heat exacerbates their symptoms. Consult a dermatologist before using a sauna in such cases.

Alcohol or Drug Users: Avoid using a sauna if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These substances can impair your ability to tolerate heat and make you more susceptible to heat-related issues.

Individuals with Respiratory Conditions: Sauna steam can exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma. People with respiratory issues should use saunas cautiously and ensure good ventilation.

Recent Surgery: If you’ve had recent surgery, especially one involving joint replacements or other medical implants, consult your surgeon or healthcare provider before using a sauna.

Remember that saunas can vary in temperature and humidity, so individual tolerance levels may differ. It’s essential to listen to your body and exit the sauna if you start feeling uncomfortable, dizzy, or lightheaded.

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